Policies and Procedures

Our Philosophy

Our setting aims to provide a happy, safe, warm and stimulating environment for all
children to play, learn and develop freely.

From an early age the children that attend pre-school will be provided with…..

For the older children breakfast club and after school club is committed to providing them with a friendly, fun and enthusiastic setting that helps them either prepare for the busy school day ahead, or helps them unwind after a day full of concentrated minds. The children will be supported to participate in activities that reflect their individual needs.

The activities we offer will promote each child’s social, physical, moral and intellectual development. …..

Admissions Policy 
Statement of Intent
It is our intention to make our setting accessible to all children, parents, carers and families from all sections of the local community.
We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
In order to achieve this aim, we operate the following admissions policy.
Ÿ  We ensure that the existence of our setting is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community.
Ÿ  We ensure that the information about our setting is accessible, in written and spoken form and where appropriate, in more than one language. Where necessary, we will try to provide information in Braille, or through signing or an interpreter. 
Ÿ  A parental information booklet about the setting will be posted out should they wish to receive a booklet.
Ÿ  We arrange our waiting list in birth order. In addition our policy will take into account the following;
- the vicinity of the home to the setting(ie. Within catchment area)
-priority will be given to children who will be attending Belsay First School.
-priority will be given to three and four year old children(whom qualify for funding)
-siblings already attending Belsay Pre- School .
PLEASE NOTE; Pupils attending a Pre-Reception or Nursery class attached to a school cannot be guaranteed a place in the reception class of that school. To guarantee a place would result in discrimination. ( See admissions policy for community and voluntary controlled schools 08/09 school year).
Ÿ  We keep a place vacant, if this is financially viable, to accommodate an emergency admission.
Ÿ  We welcome both fathers and mothers, other relations and other carers, including childminders.
Ÿ  We treat each child and their family as individuals, having regard to their needs arising from their gender, additional or special needs, disabilities, social background, religion, ethnicity or from English being a new acquired additional language.
Ÿ  We ensure children and/or parents ad carers with disabilities have access to the setting in order to take part  in the life of the setting.
Ÿ  We monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the group to ensure that our intake is representative of social diversity.
Ÿ  We make our equal opportunities policy widely known.
Ÿ  We consult with families about the opening times of the setting to ensure we accommodate a broad range of family need.
Ÿ  We are flexible about  attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and their families.
Ÿ  A child cannot be admitted into our Pre-School until they are two and a half years old, and provided that they are ready for social interaction with both adults and children.  Except  in exceptional circumstances I.e. ‘Special Educational Needs’ where permission has been given by ‘The Children’s Unit’.
Ÿ  A maximum of two sessions per week will be offered to a child living out of catchment who will be attending another forst school.
Ÿ  Consultation will be carried out  with parents/carers before admission is accepted.
Ÿ  Each child is given the opportunity to visit our Pre-School prior to their starting date.  Parents/carers are asked to stay during this visit (known as an induction session).
Ÿ  Parent/Carers will be asked to complete a Registration form during the child’s induction.  This form will include the following.  
Out of School Club
Ÿ  When a parent/carer contacts the club enquiring about a place for their child they will be given all the relevant information they require about the admissions policy, fees, charges and availability.
Ÿ  If a suitable place is available the child and their parents/carers will be invited to the club and will speak to the staff.  If the parent/carer agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions of admission, including the level of fees and arrangements for payment, they will be asked to complete and sign the registration form to confirm their child’s place.
Ÿ  Once the admission is secure the Manager or session Leader will contact the parent/carer to arrange a start date.
Ÿ  There is not usually a waiting list for the use of breakfast  and/or after school club,   however should demand for the club exceed available spaces then the following policy will be adopted:
Ÿ  Parents/carers will be encouraged to submit their request for a place for their child to the club in writing.
Ÿ  The waiting list will be kept on ‘first come first served’ basis.  The club will advise the parent/carer of how long they are likely to have to wait for a suitable place and the parent/carer will be updated on a regular basis.
Ÿ  Emergency contact numbers
Ÿ  Dietary requirements
Ÿ  Allergies
Ÿ  Health requirements
Ÿ  Who has legal contact with the child
Ÿ  Who has parental responsibility
Ÿ  Written parental permission to seek emergency medical advice/treatment.
Ÿ  Consent forms
Ÿ  Any medical needs of the child
£9 per session for all children under 3 years of age, and/or those who do not qualify for Government funding. (Children normally qualify for Government funding during the term after their third birthday).  Children are entitled to 15 hours of Government funding per week.
We offer sessions from 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. and 12.00 p.m. until 3.00 p.m.
Out of School Club
Breakfast club - £5
8.30 a.m. onwards drop off in Breakfast club - £2
Out of School Club - £10 or £5 until 4.30 p.m.
Out of School club for middle school children - £8 (This rate is discounted as the children do not arrive at the club until 4.00 p.m.
We also give a half price discount for third family members using the same one session.
Please note these charges are correct at the time of printing but may change at any time.

Role of signatory;

Arrivals and Departures
Statement of intent
Our setting and staff will give a warm and friendly welcome to each child and their family and carers upon arrival and will also ensure they depart safely at the end of each session also. Attendance times are flexible between 9am and 3pm to suit each child and their family.
To ensure that staff are fully aware of the correct procedure for registering children within each session, whether it be Breakfast Club, Pre-School or Out of School Club, on a daily basis and also to ensure children depart from the setting with a nominated adult.


It is the responsibility of the session leader to ensure that an accurate record is kept of all the children attending each session, and that any arrival or departure to and from the premises is recorded in the register. The register will be kept in an accessible location on the premises at all times. This process will be supplemented by regular headcounts during the session.

Children attending breakfast club will be signed in by their parent / carer who is dropping them off. This sign in sheet also requires the details of what time the child was dropped off and where the child is to go after the session i.e. school or pre-school.

Pre-school children will be admitted at 9am prompt and parents / carers will sign the daily attendance book. This book requires details such as timings, the name of the person dropping the child off and also the name of the person collecting the child.

After School Club children will be collected from the school by staff members. The daily attendance list will have been generated from the pre-booked register.

Children who attend Richard Coates Middle School will be dropped off from the bus opposite Belsay shop. They will cross the road and walk down the pavement unattended by an adult. It is their responsibility to go straight to the After School club and not to loiter at the shop or park. Parents must be informed of this procedure and accept that staff cannot be responsible for the whereabouts of the children until they reach the club. Parents sign in agreement of this.

On arrival (applicable to all 5 sessions), a member of staff will immediately record the child’s attendance in the daily register.

Children attending breakfast club will be taken into the school yard/ classroom at approximately 08.50hrs by a member of staff from breakfast club.

Pre-school children will be collected by their nominated person before or at 3pm. The sign in/out book will then be signed.

After school club children will be collected by their nominated person anytime between 15.20 and 18.00hrs. The sign out sheet must be signed by the nominated person as the child is collected. Departure time is also noted (After School Club only).

If the child is to be collected by someone other than the parent / carer, this must be indicated to a member of staff and recorded ideally at the start of the session.

No child, regardless of age, must be allowed to leave the setting unattended.

No adult other than those named before the session will be allowed to take a child away from a session. In the event that someone else should arrive without prior knowledge, the session leader will telephone the parent / carer immediately.

If a child is going to be absent from a session, parents, carers or relatives must inform the setting as soon as possible i.e. due to illness.

In After School Club there is a charge if cancellation of a session is made with less than 24 hours prior notice.

If a child is going to be absent for a week’s holiday or more, a holiday form must be filled in (Pre-School only). After School Club must also be given plenty notice. 

If a child is absent from after school club without prior warning, staff will check to see if they attended school that day – they will not simply accept the word of other children.

All visitors should ideally, make an appointment to visit the setting. The session leader is responsible for checking the visitor is safe to enter the premises. All visitors must sign the visitor’s book. They will be asked to wear a visitors badge and will be supervised at all times whilst in the building and near the children. At the beginning of the session children and practitioners will be made aware of any visitors expected that day and the purpose of their visit. Visitors will be informed of our fire procedure in case of a fire.

·          This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
·          Dated : February 2012              Review date : February 2013
·          Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
·          Role of signatory;
 Behaviour management policy
Statement of intent
Our setting believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour.
We aim to encouarge children to behave in socially acceptable ways and to understand the needs and rights of others. The principles guiding management of behaviour exist within the programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development.
The aims of our policy are to help children to –
·      Develop a sense of caring and respect for one another
·      Build caring and co-operative relationships with other children and adults
·      Develop a range of social skills and help them learn what constitutes acceptable behaviour
·      Develop confidence, self discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
We have two named people who have overall responsibility for our programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development, including issues concerning behaviour. The Manager, Lisa Rogerson, shares the responsibility with Carol Pass (Pre-School only), setting Inclusion co-ordinator.
·         We require the named people to:
·            keep themselves up to date with legislation, research and thinking on promoting positive behaviour and on handling children's behaviour where it may require additional support;
·            access relevant sources of expertise on promoting positive behaviour within the programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development ; and to
·            check that all staff have relevant in-service training on promoting positive behaviour. We keep a record of staff attendance at this training.
·         We recognise that codes for interacting with other people vary between cultures and require staff to be aware of - and respect - those used by members of the setting.
·         We require all staff, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy.
·         We familiarise new staff and volunteers with the setting's behaviour policy and its guidelines for behaviour.
·         We expect all members of our setting - children, parents, cares, staff, volunteers and student’s - to keep to the guidelines, requiring these to be applied consistently.
·         We work in partnership with children's parents and/or carers.  Parents/carers are regularly informed about their children's behaviour.  We work with parents and carers to address recurring inconsiderate behaviour, using our observation records to help us to understand the cause and to decide jointly how to respond appropriately.
Strategies with children who engage in inconsiderate behaviour
·         We require all staff, volunteers and students to use positive strategies for handling any inconsiderate behaviour, by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the children's ages and stages of development. Such solutions might include, for example, acknowledgement of feelings, explanation as to what was not acceptable and supporting children to gain control of their feelings so that they can learn a more appropriate response.
·         We ensure that there are enough popular toys and resources and sufficient activities available where possible, so that children are meaningfully occupied without the need for unnecessary conflict over sharing and waiting for turns.
·         We acknowledge considerate behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share.
·         We support each child in developing self esteem, confidence and feelings of competence.
·         We support each child in developing a sense of belonging in our group, so that they feel valued and welcome.
·         We avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for inconsiderate behaviour.
·         When children behave in inconsiderate ways, we help them to understand the outcomes of their action and support them in learning how to cope more appropriately.
·         We never send children out of the room by themselves.
·         We never use physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking. Children are never threatened with these.
·         We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children.
·         We use physical restraint, such as holding, only to prevent physical injury to children or adults and/or serious damage to property. 
·         Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the leader and are recorded. If necessary a personal file for the child can be created. The child's parent is informed on the same day.
·         In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse, we make clear immediately the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes, by means of explanations rather than personal blame.
·         We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening way to respond to children's inconsiderate behaviour.
Children under three years – Pre-school
·         When children under three behave in inconsiderate ways we recognise that strategies for supporting them will need to be developmentally appropriate and differ from those for older children.
·         We recognise that very young children are unable to regulate their own emotions, such as fear, anger or distress, and require sensitive adults to help them do this.
·         Common inconsiderate or hurtful behaviours of young children include tantrums, biting or fighting.  Staff are calm and patient, offering comfort to intense emotions, helping children to manage their feelings and talk about them to help resolve issues and promote understanding.
Rough and tumble play and fantasy aggression
Young children often engage in play that has aggressive themes - such as superhero and weapon play; some children appear pre-occupied with these themes, but their behaviour is not necessarily a precursor to hurtful behaviour or bullying, although it may be inconsiderate at times and may need addressing using strategies as above.
·         We recognise that teasing and rough and tumble play are normal for young children and acceptable within limits. We regard these kinds of play as pro-social and not as problematic or 'aggressive'.
·         We will develop strategies to contain play that are agreed with the children, and understood by them, with acceptable behavioural boundaries to ensure children are not hurt.
·         We recognise that fantasy play also contains many violently dramatic strategies - blowing up, shooting etc., and that themes often refer to 'goodies and baddies' and as such offer opportunities for us to explore concepts of right and wrong.
·         We are able to tune in to the content of the play, perhaps to suggest alternative strategies for heroes and heroines, making the most of 'teachable moments' to encourage empathy and lateral thinking to explore alternative scenarios and strategies for conflict resolution.
Hurtful behaviour
We take hurtful behaviour very seriously. Most children under the age of five will at some stage hurt or say something hurtful to another child, especially if their emotions are high at the time, but it is not helpful to label this behaviour as 'bullying'. For children under five, hurtful behaviour is momentary, spontaneous and often without cognisance of the feelings of the person whom they have hurt.
·         We recognise that young children behave in hurtful ways towards others because they have not yet developed the means to manage intense feelings that sometimes overwhelm them.
·         We will help them manage these feelings as they have neither the biological means nor the cognitive means to do this for themselves.
·         We understand that self management of intense emotions, especially of anger, happens when the brain has developed neurological systems to manage the physiological processes that take place when triggers activate responses of anger or fear.
·         Therefore we help this process by offering support, calming the child who is angry as well as the one who has been hurt by the behaviour. By helping the child to return to a normal state, we are helping the brain to develop the physiological response system that will help the child be able to manage his or her own feelings.
·         We do not engage in punitive responses to a young child's rage as that will have the opposite effect.
·         Our way of responding to pre-verbal children is to calm them through holding and cuddling. Verbal children will also respond to cuddling to calm them down, but we offer them explanation and discuss the incident with them to their level of understanding.
·         We recognise that young children require help in understanding the range of feelings experienced. We help children recognise their feelings by naming them and helping children to express them, making a connection verbally between the event and the feeling. 'Adam took your car, didn't he, and you were enjoying playing with it. You didn't like it when he took it, did you? It made you feel angry, didn't it, and you hit him'.
·         We help young children learn to empathise with others, understanding that they have feelings too and that their actions impact on others' feelings. 'When you hit Adam, it hurt him and he didn't like that and it made him cry'.
·         We help young children develop pro-social behaviour, such as resolving conflict over who has the toy. 'I can see you are feeling better now and Adam isn't crying any more. Let's see if we can be friends and find another car, so you can both play with one.'
·         We are aware that the same problem may happen over and over before skills such as sharing and turn-taking develop. In order for both the biological maturation and cognitive development to take place, children will need repeated experiences with problem solving, supported by patient adults and clear boundaries.
·         We support social skills through modelling behaviour, through activities, drama and stories. We build self esteem and confidence in children, recognising their emotional needs through close and committed relationships with them.
·         We help a child to understand the effect that their hurtful behaviour has had on another child; we do not force children to say sorry, but encourage this where it is clear that they are genuinely sorry and wish to show this to the person they have hurt.
·         When hurtful behaviour becomes problematic, we work with parents to identify the cause and find a solution together. The main reasons for very young children to engage in excessive hurtful behaviour are that:
·       they do not feel securely attached to someone who can interpret and meet their needs - this may be in the home and it may also be in the setting;
·       their parent, or carer in the setting, does not have skills in responding appropriately, and consequently negative patterns are developing where hurtful behaviour is the only response the child has to express feelings of anger;
·       the child is exposed to levels of aggressive behaviour at home and may be at risk emotionally, or may be experiencing child abuse; and
·       the child has a developmental condition that affects how they behave.
·       Where this does not work, we use the Code of Practice to support the child and family, making the appropriate referrals to a Behaviour Support Team where necessary.
The Use of Physical Interventions
Staff will use physical interventions only as a last resort and only then if they have reasonable grounds for believing that immediate action is necessary to prevent a child from significantly injuring themselves or others or to prevent serious damage to property.
Before reaching this stage, staff will have used all possible non-physical actions, such as dialogue and diversion, to deal with the behaviour. The child will or children concerned will be warned verbally that physical intervention will be used if they do not stop.
A dialogue will be maintained with the child or children at all times, so that the member of staff can explain what they are doing and why they are doing it. Staff will make every effort to avoid the use of physical interventions if they are alone with the child or children.
Only the minimum force necessary to prevent injury or damage should be applied. For example, diverting a child or children by leading them away by a hand or by an arm around their shoulders.
Staff will use physical intervention as an act of care and control and never punishment. Physical interventions will not be used purely to force a child to do what they have been told and when there is no immediate risk to people or property.
As soon as it is safe, the physical intervention should be gradually relaxed to allow the child or children to regain self-control.
The force of the physical intervention should always be appropriate to the age, size and strength of the child or children involved.
If staff are not confident about their ability to contain a particular situation or type of behaviour, consideration will be given to calling the Manager or, in extreme cases, the police.
When a member of staff has had to intervene physically to restrain a child, the Manager will be notified and the incident recorded in the Incident Record Book. The incident will be discussed with the parent/carer at the earliest opportunity.
If a member of staff commits any act of violence or abuse towards a child, serious disciplinary action will be implemented according to the provisions of the Staff Disciplinary Procedures.     
We take bullying very seriously. We define bullying as the repeated harassment of others through emotional, physical, verbal and psychological abuse. Examples of such behaviour are as follows:
Emotional: Being deliberately unkind, shunning or excluding another person from a group or tormenting them. For example, forcing another person to be ‘left out’ of a game or activity, passing notes about others or making fun of another person.
Physical: Pushing, scratching, spitting, kicking, hitting, biting, taking or damaging belongings, tripping up, punching or using any other sort of violence against another person.
Verbal: Name-calling, put-downs, ridiculing words to attack, threaten or insult. For example, spreading rumours or making fun of another person’s appearance.
Psychological: Behaviour likely to instil a sense of fear or anxiety in another person.
Preventing Bullying Behaviour
The Manager and staff will make every effort to create a tolerant and caring environment where bullying is not acceptable. Staff will discuss the issues surrounding bullying openly with the child or children involved.
A child who is bullying has reached a stage of cognitive development where he or she is able to plan to carry out a premeditated intent to cause distress to another.
If a child bullies another child or children:
·         we show the children who have been bullied that we are able to listen to their concerns and act upon them;
·         we intervene to stop the child who is bullying from harming the other child or children;
·         we explain to the child doing the bullying why her/his behaviour is not acceptable;
·         we give reassurance to the child or children who have been bullied;
·         we help the child who has done the bullying to recognise the impact of their actions;
·         we make sure that children who bully receive positive feedback for considerate behaviour and are given opportunities to practise and reflect on considerate behaviour;
·         we do not label children who bully as 'bullies';
·         we recognise that children who bully may be experiencing bullying themselves, or be subject to abuse or other circumstance causing them to express their anger in negative ways towards others;
·         we recognise that children who bully are often unable to empathise with others and for this reason we do not insist that they say sorry unless it is clear that they feel genuine remorse for what they have done. Empty apologies are just as hurtful to the bullied child as the original behaviour;
·         we discuss what has happened with the parents and/or cares of the child who did the bullying and work out with them a plan for handling the child's behaviour; and
·         we share what has happened with the parents and/or carers of the child who has been bullied, explaining that the child who did the bullying is being helped to adopt more acceptable ways of behaving.

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                           Review date : February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory; 

Complaints procedure
Statement of intent
Our setting believes that children and parents/carers are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our setting and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the setting. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.
We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our setting to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved.
To achieve this, we operate the following complaints procedure. All settings are required to keep a 'summary log' of all complaints that reach stage 2 or beyond. This is to be made available to parents/carers as well as to Ofsted inspectors.
Making a complaint
Stage 1
·         Any parent/carer who has a concern about an aspect of the setting's provision talks over, first of all, his/her worries and anxieties with the setting leader.
·         Most complaints should be resolved amicably and informally at this stage.
Stage 2
·         If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem recurs, the parent/carer moves to Stage 2 of the procedure by putting the concerns or complaint in writing to the setting leader and the chair of the management committee.
·         A template form for written complaints will be supplied. The form may be completed with the person in charge and signed by the parent/carer.
·         The setting stores written complaints from parents/cares in a 'complaints' file. However, if the complaint involves a detailed investigation, the setting manager may wish to store all information relating to the investigation in a separate file designated for this complaint.
·         The setting acknowledges receipt of the complaint as soon as possible – ideally within three working days.
·         When the investigation into the complaint is completed, the setting leader or manager meets with the parent/carer to discuss the outcome.
·         An account of the findings from an investigation regarding one or more of the welfare requirements will be provided to parents/carers within 28 days of receiving the complaint. However if the complaint relates to a requirement of registration, an account of the findings from the investigation will be provided to parents within 20 days of receiving the complaint.
·         When the complaint is resolved at this stage, the summative points are logged in the Complaints Record.
Stage 3
·         If the parent /carer is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, he or she requests a meeting with the setting manager and the chair of the management committee. The parent/carer should have a friend or partner present if required and the manager should have the support of the chairperson of the management committee.
·         An agreed written record of the discussion is made as well as any decision or action to take as a result. All of the parties present at the meeting sign the record and receive a copy of it.
·         This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded. When the complaint is resolved at this stage, the summative points are logged in the Complaints Record.
Stage 4
·         If at the Stage 3 meeting the parent/carer and setting cannot reach agreement, an external mediator is invited to help to settle the complaint. This person should be acceptable to both parties, listen to both sides and offer advice.  A mediator has no legal powers but can help to define the problem, review the action so far and suggest further ways in which it might be resolved.
·         The mediator keeps all discussion confidential. S/he can hold separate meetings with the setting personnel (setting manager and chair of the management committee) and the parent/carer, if this is decided to be helpful. The mediator keeps an agreed written record of any meetings that are held and of any advice s/he gives.
Stage 5
·         When the mediator has concluded her/his investigations, a final meeting between the parent/carer, the setting manager and the chair of the management committee is held. The purpose of this meeting is to reach a decision on the action to be taken to deal with the complaint. The mediator's advice is used to reach this conclusion. The mediator is present at the meeting if all parties think this will help a decision to be reached. 
·         A record of this meeting, including the decision on the action to be taken, is made.  Everyone present at the meeting signs the record and receives a copy of it.  This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded.

The role of the Office for Standards in Education, Early Years Directorate (Ofsted) and the Area Safeguarding Children Committee.
·         Ofsted investigate complaints relating to child protection issues. If a parent contacts Ofsted regarding the welfare requirements, Ofsted will refer them directly to the provider, who will then need to investigate. Ofsted encouarge parents to discuss concerns with their childcare providers first, unless the parent(s) have good reason for not doing so.  
·         The address and telephone number of Ofsted are:
Ofsted National Business Unit
Royal Exchange Buildings
St Anne's Square
M2 7LA
Helpline; 0300 123 1231
·         Information regarding Ofsted and complaints are also displayed on our setting's notice board.
·         If a child appears to be at risk, our setting follows the procedures of the Northumberland Child Protection Guidelines.
·         In these cases, both the parent/carer and setting are informed and the setting leader works with Ofsted or the Area Safeguarding Children Committee to ensure a proper investigation of the complaint, followed by appropriate action.
·         A record of complaints against our setting and/or the children and/or the adults working in our setting is kept, including the date, the circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed for at least 3 years.
·         The outcome of all complaints is recorded in the Complaints Record which is available for parents and Ofsted inspectors on request.

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                                           Review date : February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;

Complaints Form

Belsay Daycare
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE20 0ET
01661 881704



Contact telephone number;

Date of complaint;

Details of complaint;
(please include dates and times where appropriate)

Signature of complainant

Action Taken;


Signature of Leader;

Signature of Chairperson;

Confidentiality policy
Statement of intent
It is our intention to respect the privacy of children and their parents and carers, while ensuring that they access high quality care and education in our setting.
We aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.
We keep two kinds of records on children attending our setting:
·                     1.         Developmental records (pre-school only)
·         These include observations of children in the setting, samples of their work, summary developmental reports and records of achievement.
·         They are usually kept in the classroom and can be accessed, and contributed to, by staff, the child and the child's parents and/or carers.
·                     2.         Personal records 
·         These include registration and admission forms, signed consents, and correspondence concerning the child or family, reports or minutes from meetings concerning the child from other agencies, an ongoing record of relevant contact with parents/carer, and observations by staff on any confidential mater involving the child, such as developmental concerns or child protection matters.
·         These confidential records are stored in a lockable filing cabinet, by the session leader/manager.
·         Parents/carers have access, in accordance with the access to records procedure, to the files and records of their own children but do not have access to information about any other child.
·         Staff will not discuss personal information given by parents/carers with other members of staff, except where it affects planning for the child's needs.  Staff induction includes ensuring an awareness of the importance of confidentiality.
Other records
·         Issues to do with the employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions.
·         Students, when carrying out observations in the setting, are advised of our confidentiality policy and required to respect it. Parental consent is required to carry out observations on any individual children.
Access to personal records
Parents/carers may request access to any records held on their child and family following the procedure below.
·         Any request to see the child's personal file by a parent or person with parental responsibility must be made in writing to the setting leader or manager.
·         The setting manager/leader informs the chairperson of the management committee and sends a written acknowledgement.
·         The setting commits to providing access within 14 days - although this may be extended.
·         The setting's leader/manager and chairperson of the management committee prepare the file for viewing.
·         All third parties are written to, stating that a request for disclosure has been received and asking for their permission to disclose to the person requesting it. A copy of these letters is retained on the file.
·         'Third parties' include all family members who may be referred to in the records.
·         It also includes workers from any other agency, including social services, the health authority, etc. It is usual for agencies to refuse consent to disclose, preferring the individual to go directly to them.
·         When all the consents/refusals to disclose have been received these are attached to the copy of the request letter.
·         A photocopy of the complete file is taken.
·         The setting leader/manager and chairperson of the management committee go through the file and remove any information which a third party has refused consent to disclose. This is best done with a thick black marker, to score through every reference to the third party and information they have added to the file.
·         What remains is the information recorded by the setting, detailing the work initiated and followed by them in relation to confidential matters. This is called the 'clean copy'.
·         The 'clean copy' is photocopied for the parents/carers who are then invited in to discuss the contents. The file should never be given straight over, but should be gone through by the setting leader/manager, so that it can be explained.
·         Legal advice may be sought before sharing a file, especially where the parent has possible grounds for litigation against the setting or another (third party) agency.
All the undertakings above are subject to the paramount commitment of the setting, which is to the safety and well-being of the child.  Please see also our policy on safe guarding children.
Please Note; By means of following the practice set out in this policy we acknowledge and comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Photography and Video Recording Policy and Procedure

. When parents/carers first register their child at the setting they sign and agree to photographs /videos being taken of their child.
. Only members of staff with a CRB are able to take photographs/videos of the children using the settings digital camera.
. Photographs/videos taken will be used as evidence for weekly planning, displays in the setting and for evidence of their Record of achievement files.
. All photographs/videos will be stored on the settings camera and settings computer before being printed for displays, planning or Record of achievement files.
. Photographs/videos not used will be deleted off the camera and all unused photographs printed will be shredded or burned.
. They will be kept for at least 3 years on pre – school premises.
. All cameras and videos will be kept in a lockable filling cabinet.
. In case of any other occasions for photographs/videos to be taken and used, parents consent will be required and recorded seperatley.
Computers and Mobile Phones
  . All staff and visitors are asked to place their mobile phones into our mobile phone box which is kept on our desk out of reach of the children.
. Children will be supervised at all times when using a computer and do not have access to the internet.
. The settings mobile phone is used for outings and parents are given the telephone number incase they need to contact us during an outing.

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                                           Review date : February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Equality and diversity policy
Statement of intent
Our setting is committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families.
Equal opportunities is inspired by the belief that is possible to create a society characterised by fairness, justice and a more equitable distribution of power, a society in which everyone has an equal chance to develop themselves to their full potential. It is all about sustaining and celebrating diversity within the community can develop in ways they desire and they choose.
We aim to:
·         provide a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are valued;
·         include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity;
·         provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and people with disabilities;
·         improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity; and
·         Make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the setting.
·         We are aware of our responsibilities in relation to the following;
·         Sex Discrimination Act 1975
·         Race Relations Act 1976
·         Children Act 1989
·         Disability Discrimination Act 1995
·         Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
·         Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
·         Special Needs code of practice 2001
·         Equality Act 2006
·         Equality Act 2010
Our setting is open to all members of the community.
·         We advertise our service widely.
·         We reflect the diversity of members of our society in our publicity and promotional materials.
·         We provide information in clear, concise language, whether in spoken or written form.
·         We can provide information in different languages if it is required.
·         We base our admissions policy on a fair system.
·         We ensure that all parents/carers are made aware of our equal opportunities policy.
·         We do not discriminate against a child or their family, or prevent entry to our setting, on the basis of colour, ethnicity, religion or social background, such as being a member of a travelling community or an asylum seeker.
·         We do not discriminate against a child with a disability or refuse a child entry to our setting because of any disability.
·         We develop an action plan to ensure that people with disabilities can participate successfully in the services offered by the setting and in the curriculum offered.
·         We take action against any discriminatory behaviour by staff or parents/carers. Displaying of openly racist insignia, distribution of racist material, name calling, or threatening behaviour are unacceptable on or around the premises and will be dealt with in the strongest manner.
·         Posts are advertised and all applicants are judged against explicit and fair criteria.
·         Applicants are welcome from all backgrounds and posts are open to all.
·         We may use the exemption clauses of the Race Relations Act and the Sex Discrimination Act where this is necessary to enable the service to best meet the needs of the community.
·         The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to references and checks by the Criminal Records Bureau. This ensures fairness in the selection process.  
·         All job descriptions include a commitment to equality and diversity as part of their specifications.
·         We monitor our application process to ensure that it is fair and accessible.
·         We seek out training opportunities for staff and volunteers to enable them to develop anti-discriminatory and inclusive practices, which enable all children to flourish.
·         We review our practices to ensure that we are fully implementing our policy for equality, diversity and inclusion.
The curriculum offered in the setting encourages children to develop positive attitudes about themselves as well as to people who are different from themselves. It encourages children to empathise with others and to begin to develop the skills of critical thinking.
We do this by:
·         making children feel valued and good about themselves;
·         ensuring that children have equality of access to learning;
·         recognising the different learning styles of girls and boys, making appropriate provision within the curriculum to ensure each child receives the widest possible opportunity to develop their skills and abilities;
·         positively reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources;
·         avoiding stereotypes or derogatory images in the selection of books or other visual materials;
·         celebrating a range of festivals wthin the realms of experiences of the children;
·         creating an environment of mutual respect and tolerance;
·         helping children to understand that discriminatory behaviour and remarks are hurtful and unacceptable;
·         ensuring that the activities offered are inclusive of children with additional needs and children with disabilities;
·         ensuring that children learning English as an additional language have full access to activities and are supported in their learning; and
·         ensuring that children speaking languages other than English are supported in the maintenance and development of their home languages.
Valuing diversity in families
·         We welcome the diversity of family lifestyles and work with all families.
·         We encourage children to contribute stories of their everyday life to the setting.
·         We encourage parents/carers to take part in the life of the setting and to contribute fully.
·         For families who speak languages in addition to English, we will develop means to ensure their full inclusion.
·         We offer a flexible payment system for families of differing means and offer information regarding sources of financial support.
·         We work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural and dietary needs of children are met.
·         We help children to learn about a range of food, and of cultural approaches to mealtimes and eating, and to respect the differences among them.
·         Meetings are arranged to ensure that all families who wish to may be involved in the running of the setting.
·         Information about meetings is communicated in a variety of ways - written, verbal and in translation - to ensure that all parents have information about and access to the meetings.
·          This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
·          Dated : February 2012                                   Review date :February 2013
·          Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
·          Role of signatory;
  Equipment and resources policy
Statement of intent
We believe that high quality childcare and education (applicable to all ages of our children) are promoted by providing children with safe, clean, attractive, developmentally appropriate resources, toys and equipment.
We aim to provide children with resources and equipment that help to consolidate and extend their knowledge, skills, interests and aptitudes.
In order to achieve this aim we:
·         provide play equipment and resources that are safe and - where applicable -  conform to the BSEN safety standards or Toys (Safety) Regulation (1995);
·         provide a sufficient quantity of equipment and resources for the number of children;
·         provide resources that promote all areas of children's learning and development, which may be child or adult led;
·         select books, equipment and resources that promote positive images of people of all colours, cultures and abilities, are non-discriminatory and avoid racial and gender stereotyping;
·         provide play equipment and resources that promote continuity and progression, provide sufficient challenge and meet the needs and interests of all children;
·         provide made, natural and recycled materials that are clean, in good condition and safe for the children to use;
·         provide furniture that is suitable for children and furniture that is suitable for adults;
·         store and display resources and equipment where children can independently choose and select them;
·         regularly check all resources and equipment that are available at each session and ensure they are put away at the end of each session. We repair and clean, or replace, any unsafe, worn out, dirty or damaged equipment;
·         all equipment and resources will be selected with care, and risk assessments will be carried out before new toys and equipment are purchased, according to the principles of the annual Risk Assessment.
·         keep an inventory of resources and equipment.
·         use the inventory to:
·         review the balance of resources and equipment so that they can support a range of activities across all areas of play, learning and development;
·         record the dates and results of checking the resources and equipment;
·         record the date when any item is discarded due to being worn out, damaged or unsafe;
·         provide adequate insurance cover for the setting's resources and equipment.
·         use the local library and toy library to introduce new books and a variety of resources to support children's interests; and
·         plan the provision of activities and appropriate resources so that a balance of familiar equipment and resources and new exciting challenges is offered.
·                     Outside the setting opening hours, all equipment will be kept in a suitable and secure location; safe from unauthorised access or use. When discovered, defective or broken equipment will be taken out of use and stored in a safe place before being disposed of. Flammable equipment will be stored in a safe location away from sources of heat and/or naked flames.
·                     The manager/session leader is responsible for planning and reviewing the stock of equipment.

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                                           Review date :February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Food and drink policy
Statement of intent
This setting regards snack time as an important part of the setting's session. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating.
At snack times, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children's individual dietary needs. We aim to meet the full requirements of The Welfare Requirements on Food and Drink.
·         Before a child starts to attend the setting, we find out from parents and/or carers their children's dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies. 
·         We record information about each child's dietary needs on her/his registration form and parents/carers sign to signify that it is correct.
·         We regularly consult with parents/carers to ensure that our records of their children's dietary needs - including any allergies - are up to date.
·         We display current information about individual children's dietary needs (including allergies) so that all staff and volunteers are fully informed about them. For example their drink at snack time.
·         We implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs and preferences as well as their parents'/carers wishes.
·         We ask children to bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable each week, to share at snack time (pre-school only).
·         We provide nutritious snacks, avoiding large quantities of saturated fat, sugar and salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings.
·         We try to include foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones.
·         We take care not to provide food containing nuts or nut products and are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to nuts.
·         Through discussion with parents/carers and research reading by staff where required, we obtain information about the dietary rules of the religious groups to which children and their parents/carers belong, and of vegetarians and vegans, and about food allergies. We take account of this information in the provision of food and drinks.
·         We require staff to show sensitivity in providing for children's diets and allergies. Staff do not use a child's diet or allergy as a label for the child or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy.
·         We organise snack times so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate.
·         We use snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.
·         We provide children with utensils that are appropriate for their ages and stages of development and that take account of the eating practices in their cultures.
·         We have fresh drinking water constantly available for the children.  We inform the children that they can ask for water at any time during the session.
·         We inform parents/carers who provide food/drink for their children about the storage facilities available in the setting.
·         We give parents/carers who provide food for their children information about suitable containers for food.
·         In order to protect children with food allergies, we have rules about children sharing and swapping their food with one another.
·         For children who drink milk, we provide whole pasteurised milk. (Pre-School only)

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                           Review date : February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Health and safety policy
Statement of intent
This setting believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance.  We make our setting a safe and healthy place for children, parents, carers, families,  staff, volunteers and visitors. 
We aim to make children, parents, carers and staff aware of health and safety issues and to minimise the hazards and risks to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.
The member of staff responsible for health and safety is the Manager, Lisa Rogerson. She is competent to carry out these responsibilities. She has undertaken health and safety training and regularly updates her knowledge and understanding.
Risk assessment
Our risk assessment process includes:
·         Checking for hazards and risks indoors and outside, and in our activities and procedures.  Our assessment covers adults and children;
·         deciding which areas need attention; and
·         developing an action plan that specifies the action required, the timescales for action, the person responsible for the action and any funding required.
·         the action plan is forwarded to the Committee members so that any assistance with outstanding issues can be addressed.
We maintain lists of health and safety issues, which are checked:
·         daily before the session begins;
·         weekly; and
·         yearly - when a full risk assessment is carried out.
Insurance cover
We have public liability insurance and employers' liability insurance.  The certificates for public liability insurance is displayed on the Parents notice boards inside the setting.
Awareness raising
·         Our induction process for staff and volunteers includes a clear explanation of health and safety issues so that all adults are able to adhere to our policy and understand their shared responsibility for health and safety. The induction process covers matters of employee well-being, including safe lifting and the storage of potentially dangerous substances.
·         Records are kept of these induction training sessions and new staff and volunteers are asked to sign the records to confirm that they have taken part.
·         Health and safety issues are explained to the parents and/or carers of new children so that they understand the part played by these issues in the daily life of the setting. 
·         As necessary, health and safety training is included in the annual training plans of staff, and health and safety is discussed regularly at staff meetings.
·         We have a no smoking policy and display the no smoking signs around the premises. Staff are also informed during the induction process.
·         Children are made aware of health and safety issues through discussions, play, activities, rules and routines.
Children's safety
·         We ensure all staff employed have been checked for criminal records by an enhanced disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau.
·         Adults do not normally supervise children on their own. 
·         All children are supervised by adults at all times.
·         Whenever children are on the premises at least two adults must be present.
·         Systems are in place for the safe arrival and departure of children.
·         The arrival and departure times of adults - staff, volunteers and visitors - are recorded.
·         Our systems prevent unauthorised access to our premises.
·         Our systems prevent children from leaving our premises unnoticed.
·         The personal possessions of staff and volunteers are stored during sessions in a cupboard.
·         Low level windows are made from materials that prevent accidental breakage or are made safe.
·         Windows are protected from accidental breakage or vandalism from people outside the building.
·         Windows above the ground floor are secured so that children cannot climb through them.
·         We take precautions to prevent children's fingers from being trapped in doors
·         All surfaces are checked daily to ensure they are clean and not uneven or damaged.
·         Children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen.
·         All surfaces are clean and non-porous.
·         There are separate facilities for hand-washing and for washing up.
·         Cleaning materials and other dangerous materials are stored out of children's reach.
·         When children take part in cooking activities, they:
·         are supervised at all times;
·         are kept away from hot surfaces and hot water; and
·         do not have unsupervised access to electrical equipment.
Electrical/gas equipment
·         All electrical/gas equipment conforms to safety requirements and is checked regularly.
·         Our boiler/electrical switchgear/meter cupboard is not accessible to the children.
·         Fires, heaters, electric sockets, wires and leads are properly guarded and the children are taught not to touch them.
·         There are sufficient sockets to prevent overloading.
·         The temperature of hot water is checked regularly and controlled to prevent scalds.
·         Lighting and ventilation is adequate in all areas including storage areas.
·         All resources and materials from which children select are stored safely.
·         All equipment and resources are stored or stacked safely to prevent them accidentally falling or collapsing.
Outdoor area
·         Our outdoor area is securely fenced.
·         Our outdoor area is checked for safety and cleared of rubbish before it is used. In the event of snow or ice on external walkways, staff will ensure that this is regularly cleared and kept safe.
·         Adults and children are alerted to the dangers of poisonous plants, herbicides and pesticides.
·         Where water can form a pool on equipment, it is emptied/ dried before children start playing outside.
·         Our outdoor sand pit is covered when not in use and is checked regularly and cleaned when necessary.
·         All outdoor activities are supervised at all times.
·         We seek information from the Environmental Health Department and the Health Authority to ensure that we keep up to date with the latest recommendations.
·         Our daily routines encourage the children to learn about personal hygiene.
·         We have a daily cleaning routine for the setting which includes the play room, kitchen, rest area and toilets.
·         We regularly clean resources and equipment, dressing-up clothes and furnishings.
·         The toilet area has a high standard of hygiene including hand washing and drying facilities.
·         We implement good hygiene practices by:
·         cleaning tables between activities;
·         checking toilets regularly;
·         wearing protective clothing - such as aprons and disposable gloves - as appropriate;
·         providing sets of clean clothes;
·         providing tissues and wipes; and
·         providing individual paper towels.
·         Before purchase or loan, equipment and resources are checked to ensure that they are safe for the ages and stages of the children currently attending the setting.
·         The layout of play equipment allows adults and children to move safely and freely between activities.
·         All equipment is regularly checked for cleanliness and safety and any dangerous items are repaired or discarded.
·         All materials - including paint and glue - are non-toxic.
·         Sand is clean and suitable for children's play.
·         Physical play is constantly supervised.
·         Children are taught to handle and store tools safely.
·         Children learn about health, safety and personal hygiene through the activities we provide and the routines we follow.
Food and drink
·         Staff who prepare and handle food receive appropriate training and understand - and comply with - food safety and hygiene regulations.
·         All food and drink is stored appropriately. Staff are not permitted to have hot drinks during the session.
·         Snack and meal times are appropriately supervised and children do not walk about with food and drinks.
·         Fresh drinking water is available to the children at all times.
·         We operate systems to ensure that children do not have access to food/drinks to which they are allergic.
Sun Protection
·         All parents must sign a sun lotion form to allow staff apply sun lotion provided by the pre – school
·         If their child is not allowed Pre – School sun lotion applied they must provide an alternative or apply it before the session begins
·         Children will be encouraged to wear a sun hat at all times when outdoors
·         During very hot periods children will be kept to shaded areas

Outings and visits
·         We have agreed procedures for the safe conduct of outings.
·         Before an outing takes place Parents/Carers are informed of the destination and departure times and estimated arrival times. They are informed of contact details.
·         Parents sign a general consent on registration for their children to be taken out as a part of the daily activities of the setting, but remaining on the setting premises though.
·         Parents always sign consent forms before major outings.
·         A risk assessment is carried out before an outing takes place.
·         Pre-school : - Our adult to child ratio is high, normally one adult to four children.
·         After School Club / Holiday Club : - 1 adult : 8 children.
·         Named children are assigned to individual staff to ensure each child is individually supervised and to ensure no child gets lost and that there is no unauthorised access to children. All children under the age of three years are accompanied by a parent/carer.
·         Outings are recorded in an outings record file stating:
·         the date and item of outing
·         the venue and mode of transport
·         names of staff assigned to named children
·         time of departure, estimated arrival time and actual return time
·         Staff take a mobile phone on outings, and supplies of tissues, wipes, spare clothes etc as well as a first aid kit, a snack and a drink. The amount of equipment will vary and be consistent with the venue and the number of children as well as how long they will be out for.
·         Staff will make every effort to involve children in the planning of a visit or outing. Staff will explain to children the aims and objectives of the event, along with what is expected of then in terms of behaviour and contribution.
·         Children will be talked through any potential hazards (age appropriate) and told to remain with staff at all times. Staff will explain to children what to do in an emergency, including designating a suitable meeting point.
·         The Manager will ensure a full First Aid kit is on hand in case of any accidents and incidents during the outing. Parents will be contacted immediately if their child requires further medical treatment or needs to be taking to a hospital.
·         There will always be at least one qualified first aider at all times during the outing.
·         The Manager will ensure that the mobile phone is accessible and that parents / carers have been given this number in advance.
·         A register will be taken at the beginning and end of the visit. Additionally regular headcounts will be taken by staff.
·         All vehicles used to transport children will be Northumberland County Council approved transport providers.
·         Staff will ensure all children are wearing a seat belt when travelling on vehicle.
·         All records of driver, licence and type of insurance will be kept.
·         If a breakdown or accident was to unfortunately occur whilst travelling emergency services and all parent/carers would be contacted immediately.
Missing child
If a child goes missing from the setting:
·         The person in charge will carry out a thorough search of the building and grounds.
·         It is important not to create an atmosphere of panic and to ensure that other children remain safe and adequately supervised.
·         The register is checked to make sure no other child has also gone astray.
·         Doors and gates are checked to see if there has been a breach of security whereby a child could wander out.
·         Person in charge talks to staff to establish what happened
·         If the child is not found the parent is contacted and the missing child is reported to the police.
·         The search continues whilst waiting for the police. The Manager and committee chairperson should be contacted as soon as possible and attend if available.
·         The leader will meet with the police and the parents and co-ordinate any actions instructed by the police. 
If a child goes missing from an outing where parents are not attending and responsible for their own child, the setting ensures that there is a procedure that is followed.
·         As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing, staff on the outing ask children to stand with their designated person and carry out a headcount to ensure that no other child has gone astray. One staff searches the immediate vicinity but does not search beyond that.
·         The person in charge is informed, if s/he is not on the outing and makes his/her way to the venue to aid the search and be the point of contact for the police as well as support staff.
·         Staff take the remaining children back to the setting.
·         The person in charge of the setting contacts the child's parent who makes their way to the setting or outing venue as agreed with the person in charge.
·         The staff contact the police using the mobile phone and report the child as missing.
·         In an indoor venue, the staff contact the venue's security who will handle the search and contact the police if the child is not found.
·         The person in charge contacts the chairperson of the management committee who travels to the setting as soon as possible.
The investigation
·         The management committee chairperson carries out a full investigation taking written statements from all the staff present at the time, or who were on the outing.
·         Staff write an incident report detailing:
·         the date and time of the report;
·         what staff/
·         children were in the group/outing;
·         when the child was last seen in the group/outing;
·         what has taken place in the group/outing since then; and
·         the time it is estimated that the child went missing.
·         A conclusion is drawn as to how the breach of security happened.
·         If the incident warrants a police investigation all staff co-operate fully. In this case, the police will handle all aspects of the investigation, include interviewing staff. Social Services may be involved if it seems likely that there is a child protection issue to address.
·         The incident is reported under RIDDOR arrangements and is recorded in the incident book; the local authority health and safety officer may want to investigate and will decide if there is a case for prosecution.
·         OFSTED is informed.
·         The Insurance company is informed.
·         Animals visiting the setting must be free from disease and safe to be with children, and do not pose a health risk.
·         Animals are kept on the washable vinyl flooring.
·         Our setting's pets are free from disease, safe to be with children, and do not pose a health risk.
·         Children wash their hands after contact with animals.
·         Outdoor footwear worn to visit farms are cleaned of mud and debris and should not be worn indoors.
Fire safety
·         Fire doors are clearly marked, never obstructed and easily opened from inside.
·         All staff are aware of the location of all fire exits, the fire assembly point and where fire safety equipment is stored and how to use it.
·         Fire fighting appliances conform to BSEN standards, are fitted in appropriate high risk areas of the building and are checked as specified by the manufacturer.
·         Our emergency evacuation procedures are approved by the Fire Safety Officer and are:
·         clearly displayed in the premises;
·         explained to new members of staff, volunteers and parents; and
·         practiced regularly; we aim to complete a fire drill each half term if possible.
·         Records are kept of fire drills and the servicing of fire safety equipment.
Fire Prevention
The setting will take all steps to prevent fires occurring. As such, the manager and the staff are responsible for:
·      Ensuring that power points are not overloaded with adaptors.
·      Check for frayed or trailing wires.
·      Checking that fuses are replaced safely
·      Unplugging all equipment before leaving the premises
·      Storing any potentially flammable materials safely
In the event of a fire
A member of staff will raise the alarm immediately and the emergency services will be called at the earliest opportunity.
All children will immediately be escorted out of the building and to the assembly point using the nearest marked exit. No attempt will be made to collect personal belongings or to re-enter the building after evacuation.
The leader will take the phone and the register with them.
The entire premises will be checked by the leader and all accessible doors and windows should be closed to prevent spread of fire.
The register must be checked and all staff and children accounted for. If any person is missing form the register the emergency services will be informed immediately. 

First aid and medication
At least one member of staff with current first aid training is on the premises or on an outing at any one time. The first aid qualification includes first aid training for infants and young children.
Our first aid kit:
·         complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981;
·         is regularly checked on a monthly basis by the manager and re-stocked as necessary;
·         is easily accessible to adults; and
·         is kept out of the reach of children.
The location of the First Aid box, and the names of any other qualified first-aiders, will be clearly displayed around the setting premises.
At the time of admission to the setting, parents' written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought.  Parents sign and date their written approval.
Parents sign a consent form at registration allowing staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary on the understanding that parents have been informed and are on their way to the hospital.
Our accident book:
·         is kept safely and accessibly;
·         all staff and volunteers know where it is kept and how to complete it; and
·         is reviewed at least half termly to identify any potential or actual hazards.
Pre existing injuries
Parents will be asked to complete a pre-existing injury form on the day their child has entered Pre – School with an injury/mark that has happened at home or on their way to pre-school. This will require a Parents/carers signature. 
Ofsted is notified of any injury requiring treatment by a general practitioner or hospital doctor, or the death of a child or adult.
When there is any injury requiring general practitioner or hospital treatment to a child, parent, volunteer or visitor or where there is a death of a child or adult on the premises, we make a report to the Health and Safety Executive using the format for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
Dealing with incidents
We meet our legal requirements for the safety of our employees by complying with RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). We report to the Health and Safety Executive:
·         any accident to a member of staff requiring treatment by a general practitioner or hospital; and
·         any dangerous occurrences. This may be an event that causes injury or fatalities or an event that does not cause an accident but could have done, such as a gas leak.
·         Any dangerous occurrence is recorded in our Incident Book. See below.
Our Incident Book
·         We keep an incident book for recording incidents including those that that are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive as above.
·         These incidents include:
·         break in, burglary, theft of personal or the setting's property;
·         fire, flood, gas leak or electrical failure;
·         attack on member of staff or parent on the premises or nearby;
·         any racist incident involving a staff or family on the centre's premises;
·         death of a child, and
·         a terrorist attack, or threat of one.
·         In the incident book we record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done about it - or if it was reported to the police, and if so a crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, should also be recorded.
·         In the unlikely event of a terrorist attack we follow the advice of the emergency services with regard to evacuation, medical aid and contacting children's families. The incident is recorded when the threat is averted.
·         In the unlikely event of a child dying on the premises, the emergency services are called, and the advice of these services are followed.
Administration of medication
·         Only prescribed medication may be administered. It must be in-date and prescribed for the current condition.
·         Children taking prescribed medication must be well enough to attend the setting.
·         Children's prescribed drugs are stored in their original containers in the lockable filing cabinet, are clearly labelled and are inaccessible to the children.
·         Parents/carers give prior written permission in the medicine book for the administration of medication.  This states the name of the child, name/s of parent(s)/carer(s), date the medication starts, the name of the medication and prescribing doctor, the dose and times, or how and when the medication is to be administered.
·         Another member of staff acts as a witness to ensure that the correct dosage is given. The administration is recorded accurately each time it is given and is signed by staff. Parents/carers sign the record book to acknowledge the administration of a medicine.
·         If the administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training is provided for the relevant member of staff by a health professional.
Our policy for the exclusion of ill or infectious children is discussed with parents.  This includes procedures for contacting parents/cares - or other authorised adults - if a child becomes ill while in the setting.
·         We do not provide care for children who are unwell, have a temperature, or sickness and diarrhoea, or who have an infectious disease.
·         Children with headlice are not excluded, but must be treated to remedy the condition.
·         Parents are notified if there is a case of headlice in the setting.
·         Parents are notified if there is an infectious disease, such as chicken pox.
·         Some children and their families may be affected by a blood borne virus (BBV) i.e. HIV, Hepatitis B or C. Due to confidentiality staff may or may not be informed about this. 
·         Staff must be aware to treat all children the same when dealing with body fluids. Good hygiene practice concerning the clearing of any spilled bodily fluids is carried out at all times.
·         Children or families are not excluded because of a BBV.
·         Staff suffering from sickness and diarrhoea does not handle food.
·         Ofsted is notified of any infectious diseases that a qualified medical person considers notifiable.
Please see list provided from the Health Protection Agency regarding ‘Minimum Exclusion Periods for Illness and Disease’.
These are given to all parents for guidance when they start using the setting and all staff are aware of them.
Safety of adults
·         Adults are provided with verbal guidance about the safe storage, movement, lifting and erection of large pieces of equipment. A poster regarding safe lifting is also displayed.
·         Precautions are taken with pregnant staff and safe lifting. Also, higher chairs are made available to pregnant staff. We will also endeavour to provide any other equipment/resources needed for pregnant staff.
·         When adults need to reach up to store equipment or to change light bulbs, safe equipment to do so is available.
·         All warning signs are clear and in appropriate languages.
·         Adults should not remain in the building on their own or leave on their own after dark.
·         The sickness of staff and their involvement in accidents is recorded.  The records are reviewed termly to identify any issues that need to be addressed.
No Smoking Policy
·         We are a No smoking setting and display No smoking signs on the walls.
·         Staff is not allowed to smoke during working hours unless on a break, off the premises and when wearing different clothes to those they wear when working with children.
·         Children are aware of the possible effects of smoking and healthy life styles through pre-school learning.
·         We are more than happy to give information, advice and guidance on smoking should parents request it.
In accordance with the welfare requirements, we keep records of:
·         names and addresses of all staff on the premises, including temporary staff who work with the children or who have substantial access to them;
·         names and addresses of all members of the management committee;
·         all records relating to the staff's employment with the setting, including application forms, references, results of checks undertaken etc.
·         names, addresses and telephone numbers of parents, carers and adults authorised to collect children from setting;
·         the names, addresses and telephone numbers of emergency contacts in case of children's illness or accident;
·         the allergies, dietary requirements and illnesses of individual children;
·         the times of attendance of children, staff, volunteers and visitors;
·         accidents and medicine administration records;
·         consents for outings, administration of medication, emergency treatment; and
·         Incidents.
The setting has a visitors book which visitors sign on arrival, alongside giving the following information:
·      Their name and role
·      Date and time of their arrival
·      The reason for their visit
·      Their expected departure time
Visitors to the setting will not be left unsupervised with children at any time.
Staff has a duty to approach any visitor on the premises who has not signed in. They must introduce themselves and establish immediately who the visitor is and the reason for them being on the setting premises. If the visitor has no suitable reason to be on the setting premises, then they will be asked to leave immediately and escorted from the premises. If the visitor refuses to leave, the police will be telephoned immediately.
A record will be made of such incidents in the Incident Record Book, and the Manager will be informed as soon as possible.
All documentation relating to children of the setting is kept for a minimum of 3 years in a lockable filling cabinet and is only accessible to relevant staff. We then burn all documentation to dispose of it.

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                                           Review date :February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
  Inclusion policy
Statement of intent / Ethos
We define inclusion as; "a process of identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers to participation and belonging". At Belsay every child, parent, member of staff, visitor, volunteer and carer is fully accepted, respected and valued. The colour of skin, gender group, religion or belief, disability, social status or any other factor does not affect the way in which each person is valued. As a result of putting equality and inclusion at the heart of our practice, we aim to ensure that everyone is equally valued and respected for who they are. The children we care for, can develop free from prejudice and discrimination and learn not to be prejudiced or discriminatory themselves. We provide an environment in which all children are supported to reach their full potential.

·         We have regard for the DfES Special Educational Needs Code of Practice and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
·         We welcome and include all children and their families in our provision.
·         We also hold regard for more able children and those on the gifted and talented register.
·         We have a Inclusion co-ordinat, Carol Pass, who is always available to help support parents and children with additional educational needs. (Pre-School only). Lisa Rogerson, setting manager, oversees Breakfast Club and After School Club.
·         We identify the specific needs of children with additional or special educational needs and meet those needs through a range of strategies. For example; we identify appropriate objectives for every child, we establish consistent routines and practice, we match teaching strategies to the learning style of each child and we break down each task into small achievable steps.
·         We work in partnership with parents, carers and other agencies in meeting individual children's needs.
·         We monitor and review our practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.

·         We have a designated member of staff acting as our Inclusion co-ordinator in Pre-School; however we ensure that the provision for children with additional or special educational needs is the responsibility of all members of the setting. With regular staff meetings and training we share, review and discuss our setting ethos regularly to ensure equal understanding.
·         We ensure that our inclusive admissions practice ensures equality of access and opportunity. Information for parents and carers can be made available in alternative formats if required.
·         We ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, that our physical environment meets the needs of all of our children and their families. For example; we have flexibility within our classroom with regard to the layout of furniture etc, we offer various resources and activities and we also have a mobile ramp to ensure access to the building.
·         We work closely with parents and/or carers of children with additional educational needs to create and maintain a positive partnership. We do this by means of regular communication with informal and formal meetings as well as home-setting diaries etc.
·         We ensure that parents/carers are informed at all stages of the assessment, planning, provision and review of their children's education. A diary, if necessary, is used to record achievements, day-to-day activities etc.
·         We provide parents/carers with information on sources of independent advice and support. For example; outside agencies and professionals, support meetings and groups, leaflets, brochures.
·         We liaise with other professionals involved with children with additional/special educational needs and their families, including transfer arrangements to other settings and schools. A transfer meeting is arranged before a child moves to another setting to share all information; this meeting is attended by staff, parents and/or carers and professionals (Pre-School only).
·         We use the graduated response system for identifying, assessing and responding to children's additional/special educational needs. This begins with Early Years Action, whereby we work with parents to identify the needs of their child and focus on ways of helping them. Following this we move on to Early Years Action Plus, and if necessary, into the statementing process also, again working with parents/carers but also with outside agencies and professionals to help the child. (Pre-School only).
·         We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing individual educational play plans (IEPPs) for children with additional/special educational needs. (Pre-School only).
·         We follow the Northumberland Inclusion Toolkit.
·         We ensure that children with additional/special educational needs are appropriately involved at all stages of the graduated response, taking into account their levels of ability. (Pre-School only).
·         We provide a broad and balanced framework for all children with additional/special educational needs.
·         We provide a differentiated framework to meet individual needs and abilities.
·         We use a system for keeping records of the assessment, planning, provision and review for children with additional/special educational needs. (Pre-School only)
·         We provide resources to implement our inclusion policy. For example; en-hanced staff ratios, specialist resources and equipment.
·         We ensure the privacy of children with additional/special educational needs when intimate care is being provided.
·         We ensure all staff members access regular training, provided by Sure Start Northumberland and other external agencies, to keep up to date with legislation and practice.
·         We ensure the effectiveness of our inclusive provision by collecting information from a range of sources e.g. IEPP reviews, staff meetings, parental and external agency's views, inspections and complaints.  This information is collated, evaluated and reviewed regularly with Sure Start Northumberland’s Inclusion team. (Pre-School only).
·         We ensure Confidentiality is of the highest level at all times, working in line with the SEN Code of Practice also. Please see our confidentiality policy.
·         It may be identified by parents or carers that a child with special need may benefit from coming to the out of school club after their 13th birthday. This can be negotiated between the parents/ carers and manager.
·         We provide a complaints procedure, whereby we encourage all complaints to be solved at the setting with the manager/leader or the management committee, however if this is not possible Ofsted can be contacted;

Ofsted National Business Unit
Royal Exchange Buildings
St Anne's Square
M2 7LA
Helpline; 0300 123 1231

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated: February 2012                                                            Review date: February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Non-collection of children policy
Statement of intent
In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of a session, the setting puts into practice agreed procedures.  These ensure the child is cared for safely by an experienced and qualified practitioner who is known to the child. 
In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult, we will ensure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible.  We inform parents/carers of our procedures so that, if they are unavoidably delayed, they will be reassured that their children will be properly cared for.
·         Parents/carers of children starting at the setting are asked to provide specific information which is recorded on our Registration Form, including:
·         home address and telephone number - if the parents/carers do not have a telephone, an alternative number must be given, perhaps a neighbour or close relative;
·         place of work, address and telephone number (if applicable);
·         mobile telephone number (if applicable);
·         names, addresses, telephone numbers and signatures of adults who are authorised by the parents/carers to collect their child from the setting, for example a childminder or grandparent;
·         information about any person who does not have legal access to the child; and
·         who has parental responsibility for the child.
·         On occasions when parents/carers are aware that they will not be at home or in their usual place of work, they inform the setting of their alternative contact details.
·         On occasions when parents or the persons normally authorised to collect the child are not able to collect the child, we record the name, address and telephone number of the person who will be collecting their child. We agree with parents/carers how to verify the identity of the person who is to collect their child. A brief note is also made in the signing in/out book as well as on the 'Special Arrangements board'.
·         Parents/carers are informed that if they are not able to collect the child as planned, they must inform us so that we can begin to take back-up procedures.  We provide parents/carers with our contact telephone number.  We also inform parents/carers that - in the event that their children are not collected from setting by an authorised adult and the staff can no longer supervise the child on our premises - we apply our child protection procedures as set out in our child protection policy.
·         If a child is not collected at the end of the session, we follow the following procedures:
·         The signing in/out book and special arrangements board is checked for any information about changes to the normal collection routines.
·         If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted at home or at work.
·         If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from the setting - and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the Registration Form - are contacted.
·         All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents or nominated carers.
·         The child does not leave the premises with anyone other than those named on the Registration Form and on the special arrangements board.
·         If no-one collects the child after one hour and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we apply the procedures for uncollected children.
·         We contact our local authority social services department; Northumberland Caretrust (EDT), Social Services Directorate, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth.Tel; 0845 6005252.
·         The child stays at setting in the care of two fully-vetted workers until the child is safely collected either by the parents/carers or by a social worker;
·         Social services will aim to find the parent/carer or relative if they are unable to do so, the child will be admitted into the care of the local authority.
·         Under no circumstances are staff to go to look for the parent/carer, nor do they take the child home with them.
·         A full written report of the incident is recorded.
·         Depending on circumstances, we reserve the right to charge parents/carers for the additional hours worked by our staff.
·         Ofsted may be informed, Helpline; 0300 123 1231
·         Our Pre-school Learning Alliance head office may also be informed, tel 020 76972595

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                                           Review date : February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Parental and carer involvement policy
Statement of intent
Our setting recognises that parents/ carers play a fundamental role in a child’s development and this should be acknowledged as the basis for a partnership between the setting and parents/ carers.
Our aim
In Pre-School our aim is to support parents as their children's first and most important educators by involving them in their children's education and in the full life of the setting. We also aim to support parents in their own continuing education and personal development.
At breakfast and after-school club the staff are committed to providing high quality, safe and stimulating care and learning and play opportunities. We aim to involve parents as much as possible with this, informing them and updating them regularly. 
In order to fulfil these aims we:
·         are committed to ongoing dialogue with parents to improve our knowledge of the needs of their children and to support their families;
·         inform all parents/carers about how the setting is run and its policies through access to written information and through regular informal communication. We check to ensure parents/carers understand the information that is given to them;
·         encourage and support parents/carers to play an active part in the governance and management of the setting, with a parental management committee and every other parent/carer becoming a committee member;
·         inform all parents/carers on a regular basis about their children's progress;
·         involve parents/cares in the shared record keeping about their children - either formally or informally - and ensure parents/carers have access to their children's written developmental records (pre-school only);
·         provide opportunities for parents/carers to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the setting;
·         inform parents/carers about relevant conferences, workshops and training;
·         consult with parents/carers about the times of meetings to avoid excluding anyone;
·         provide information about opportunities to be involved in the setting in ways that are accessible to parents/carers with basic skills needs, or those for whom English is an additional language;
·         hold meetings in venues that are accessible and appropriate for all;
·         welcome the contributions of parents/carers, in whatever form these may take;
·         inform all parents/carers of the systems for registering queries, complaints or suggestions and check to ensure these are understood.  All parents/carers have access to our written complaints procedure; and
·         provide opportunities for parents/carers to learn about the opportunities offered in the setting and about young children's learning, in the setting and at home.
·         Provide parents /carers with formal and, if necessary, confidential means to comment on the work of the setting. This will include parental questionnaires etc.
·         Keep parents/ carers up to date with regular newsletters and in particular notify them of any changes re: staffing, fees or opening days / hours. 

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated :February 2012                                                            Review date : February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Settling-in policy
Statement of intent
We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the setting and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents/carers to have confidence in both their children's well being and their role as active partners with the setting.
We aim to make the setting a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.
Methods – Pre-school only
·         Before a child starts to attend the setting, we use a variety of ways to provide his/her parents and/or carers with information. These include written information (including our prospectus and policies), displays about activities carried out within the setting and individual meetings with parents.
·         During the half-term before a child is enrolled, we provide opportunities for the child and his/her parents and/or carers to visit the setting, known as an induction session.
·         We allocate a key person, to each child and his/her family as she/he starts to attend; the key person welcomes and looks after the child during their first session and during the settling-in process. Whilst we maintain the key person system throughout a child's time at pre-school, we do encourage the development of further relationships with all members of staff.
·         We keep a Record of achievement together file from the child’s start date. This involves the child progress throughout his time at Pre-School. It is a file used by the key worker, other members of staff the child and parents/carers. It is sent home regularly for parents/carers to view and to contribute to, A full explanation is given during the induction.
·         We use the induction session and the first session a child attends to explain and complete with his/her parents and/or carers, the child's registration records. This is usually completed by the pre-school leader. We discuss detailed information about the setting including the opening times, cost, Early Years Foundation Stage etc.
·         When a child starts to attend, we explain the process of settling-in with his/her parents and/or carers and jointly decide on the best way to help the child to settle into the setting.
·         We have an expectation that the parent, carer or close relative, will stay with their child for the duration of the induction session.
·         When parents/carers leave, we ask them to say goodbye to their child and explain that they will be coming back, and when.
·         We recognise that some children will settle more readily than others and we make it clear to families from the outset that they will be supported in our Pre-School for as long as it takes to settle their child. We reassure parents/carers whose children seem to be taking a long time to settle into the Pre-School.
·         We try to introduce new families into the group on a staggered basis, rather than all at once.
·         Within the first four to six weeks of starting we discuss and work closely with a child's parents and/or carers, discussing achievements, strengths, problems, weaknesses etc.

Methods – Breakfast and After School Club
·      The club strongly encourages parents/ carers to visit the premises with their children before they are left on their own. However we recognise not all children will require this.
·      Children will be informed of the clubs routine and the programme of activities. They will be shown around the club, told where they can and cannot go, and have both the registration and signing out procedures made clear.
·      Ground rules will be explained to the child and they will be encouraged to ask questions and raise concerns.
·      On their first day, children will be introduced to a ‘buddy’ who, under the supervision of a member of staff, will show them around the club and introduce them to the other children.
·      All staff will supervise children new to the club to ensure they are happy in their new surroundings. The appropriate level of supervision will be judged according to the child’s age, maturity and previous experiences.
·      If it seems that a child is taking a long time to settle in then this will be discussed with the parents/ carers and strategies put into place to try and improve the situation.

This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
Dated : February 2012                                                           Review date :February 2013
Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
Role of signatory;
Staffing and employment policy
Statement of intent
We provide a staffing ratio in line with the requirements of the welfare requirements for Day Care to ensure that children have sufficient individual attention and to guarantee care and education of a high quality.  Our staffs are appropriately qualified and we carry out checks for criminal and other records through the Criminal Records Bureau in accordance with statutory requirements.
Our setting is committed to placing the best interests of children’s welfare, care and development at the centre of all staffing matters.
To ensure that children below school age and their parents are offered high quality early years care and education.
To ensure that children attending breakfast and after school club are cared for by appropriately trained staff who understand their need and requirements.
·         To meet this aim we use the following ratios of adult to child:
·         children aged two years of age: 1 adult : 4 children; and
·         children aged three - seven years of age: 1 adult : 8 children.
·         children over 8 years of age : 1 adult : 10 children
·         A minimum of two staff/adults are on duty at any one time.
·         The Manager will further ensure that suitable and sufficient contingency plans are in place to cover emergencies, unexpected staff absences, staff breaks, holidays and sickness.
·         We hold regular staff meetings to undertake activity planning and to discuss children's progress, their achievements and any difficulties that may arise from time to time.
·         All staff have job descriptions which set out their staff roles and responsibilities.
·         Staff are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a professional, courteous, helpful, warm and consistent manner.
·         Staff are expected to display both knowledge and understanding of multi-cultural issues and a commitment to treating all children as individuals and with equal concern and respect.
·         Staff will have regard for maintaining appropriate dress and personal appearance for working with children and with awareness of health and safety issues.
·         We work towards offering equality of opportunity by using non-discriminatory procedures for staff recruitment and selection.
·         We welcome applications from all sections of the community.  Applicants will be considered on the basis of their suitability for the post, regardless of marital status, age, gender, culture, religious belief, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.  Applicants will not be placed at a disadvantage by our imposing conditions or requirements that are not justifiable.
·         Our setting Manager, leader and deputy hold a minimum level 3 qualification or above, and a minimum of half of our staff hold a level 3 qualification or higher.
·         We provide regular in-service training to all staff - whether paid staff or volunteers  - through the Pre-school Learning Alliance, Sure Start Northumberland and external agencies.
·         Our setting budget allocates resources to training.
·         We provide staff induction training in the first few weeks of employment.  This induction includes our Health and Safety Policy and Child Protection Policy.  Other policies and procedures will be introduced within an induction plan.
·         We support the work of our staff by holding regular supervision meetings and appraisals.
·         We are committed to recruiting, appointing and employing staff in accordance with all relevant legislation and best practice.
·         We use Ofsted guidance on obtaining references and criminal record checks through the Criminal Records Bureau for staff and volunteers who will have substantial access to children.

Staff Development and Training
·                     The setting recognises that regular training and monitoring of professional development is important for all staff. Staff development and training is vital because it allows staff to keep up-to-date with current thinking, legislation and practice about both play and child learning and development issues. Additionally with well trained and motivated staff the setting is better able to meet the diverse and complex needs of children within its local community.
The setting is committed to providing for staff:
1.     A full induction process
2.     Training opportunities to develop their knowledge base
3.     An up-to date training record of staff qualifications and training
Staff Inductions
·                     New members of staff will be issued with a job description, a copy of the club’s policies and procedures and a copy of the welfare requirements. Staff will also undergo an induction process during their first few weeks of employment and will be assigned a mentor to help them settle in.

As part of the induction, the Manager will discuss and talk through everyday practices of the setting and individual sessions. These will include:
1      Showing staff around the premises, pointing out all fire exits, toilets, kitchen area, filing cabinets, alarms, drills etc.
2      Explaining about the day-to-day management of the club and the use of the register, registration forms, signing in and out sheets and books, parent/carer collection forms etc.
3      Introduce the new member of staff to their colleagues, the children and the parents/ carers as they come to be collected.
4      Explain the practical implications of the Club’s policies and practices, including how they relate to the Club’s obligations under the welfare requirements.
5      New staff members will be issued with a contract outlining their terms and conditions, within the first six weeks. Contracts are issued by the Chairperson and two copies should be signed, one to be kept by the employee and one returned to the Manager. (We use HR4UK for any Human Resource issues).

Staff Appraisal 

·                     Appraisals will take the form of an annual meeting between staff members and the Manager. They will be used to identify current knowledge, skills, strengths and achievements and areas for future development and potential training needs.

·                     The Manager will review the employees’ performance and identify any appropriate training and development needs.

·                      Any outstanding issues gained from staff appraisals will be discussed with the Chairperson.

Staff meetings

·                     There will be staff meetings on a regular basis for planning etc as well as meetings for problem solving, information sharing and acknowledging work issues. There are also opportunities for staff to reflect on their work performance and review any difficulties they may be facing. Staff meetings will also be a forum for setting objectives for the setting.
Staff Training

·                     The setting will do all it can to support staff who are working towards improving their qualifications and training experience.

·                     It is the responsibility of the Manager to identify and promote suitable training courses for staff and strongly encourage them to take advantage of these. Support will be given to help staff overcome any barriers to accessing such training.

·                     Staff are expected to attend specific training courses and update skills as and when requested by their Manager. Staff will not suffer financially for any training that they are required to undertake. In some circumstances training may have to be done outside normal working hours i.e. certain full day training days at weekends – but staff will be paid for working these additional hours.

·                     It is the Managers responsibility to ensure that staff do attend specific training such as Food Hygiene, Safeguarding Children, First Aid, Health and Safety, and any other course applicable to their role.

·                     It is the Managers responsibility to ensure that staff are kept up-to-date with recent legislation and are suitably enrolled on courses that are necessary to fulfil the settings legal responsibilities.

Staff Disciplinary Procedures
Please refer to contracts issued by HR4UK regarding disciplinary procedures.
·          This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
·          Dated : February 2012                                                   Review date :February 2013
·          Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
·          Role of signatory;
    Student placement policy

Statement of intent
This setting recognises that qualifications and training make an important contribution to the quality of the care and education provided by early years and after school club settings. As part of our commitment to quality, we offer placements to students undertaking such early years and play work qualifications and training.
We aim to provide for students on placement with us experiences that contribute to the successful completion of their studies and that provide examples of quality practice.
·         We require students to meet the 'suitable person' requirements of Ofsted. They must be CRB cleared and provide two character references.
·         We require schools placing students under the age of 17 years with the setting to vouch for their good character.
·         We supervise students at all times and do not allow them to have unsupervised access to children. The session leader will have responsibility for supervising and supporting the student while they are at the setting. 
·         The Manager will enter into a formal written agreement with students and volunteers at the start of the placement agreeing hours of work, dress code and expected behaviour within the setting. Students and volunteers must read, understand and sign the conditions of work before accepting or making a commitment to voluntary work.
·         Students who are placed in our setting on a short term basis are not counted in our staffing ratios.
·         Trainee staff employed by the setting may be included in the ratios if they are deemed competent.
·         We take out employers' liability insurance and public liability insurance, which covers both trainees and voluntary helpers.
·         We require students to keep to our confidentiality policy.
·         We co-operate with students' tutors in order to help students to fulfil the requirements of their course of study. Regular supervision and appraisal sessions with the Manager will be established as a means of monitoring progress.
·         We provide students, at the first session of their placement, with a short induction on how our setting is managed, how our sessions are organised and our policies and procedures.
·         We communicate a positive message to students about the value of qualifications and training.
·         We make the needs of the children paramount by not admitting students in numbers that hinder the essential work of the setting.
·         We ensure that trainees and students placed with us are engaged in bona fide early years or playwork training, which provides the necessary background understanding of children's development and activities.

·          This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
·          Dated :February 2012                                                    Review date :February 2013
·          Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
·          Role of signatory;
   Pre-School - Reception Transition Policy Statement

            “Transition should be seen as a process, not an event, and should be planned for and discussed with children and parents. Settings should communicate information which will secure continuity of experience for the child between settings”. (Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage, DFES, 2007).

            At Belsay we recognise the importance and value of a ‘seamless’ transition between settings. Our Reception teacher and Pre-School Leader have created a team approach towards creating a strong link between the settings, supporting each individual child. Children can experience a range of reactions to transitions, therefore we know it is important to support the children in every way we can.

We do this by means of;

§  Joint Celebration Mornings. At least once a term, Reception and Pre-School hold a joint celebration morning, for example; Harvest, Christmas, Easter etc. Throughout the sessions children may work in both/either classroom environments; becoming more familiar with their surroundings, peers, staff members etc. The Reception teacher and Pre-School Leader plan these sessions together to suit the children. Children also join in with school assemblies too.

§  Reception/Pre-School Link. Following the Autumn Term, Reception and Pre-School liaise together, aiming to offer at least two opportunities per week for two children to ’swap’ classrooms for roughly 30 minutes. Once again this is another planned opportunity for the children to spend some time becoming familiar with their new environment, routines, rules, peers and staff members.

§   Taster Sessions. In the summer Term, four ‘taster’ sessions are planned for the children starting school in the following September. The session begins with the children attending Pre-School as usual, however the children then go into School for lunch and playtime before joining Reception for the afternoon session. We recognise the importance of continuity and support during this time of ‘change’, therefore the Pre-School Leader stays with the children throughout these sessions. The sessions also offer the opportunity for the Pre-School Leader to share their knowledge of the children and their needs and any support they may need in school, with the Reception teacher. We also encourage the involvement of parents and continuously offer an ‘open-door’ policy for them to come and see us. We ensure each parent is given feedback after each session. Parents are offered a parent consultation prior to school entry to allow for further discussion also. It is important to recognise their fears and anxieties too, answering their questions and keeping them well informed.

            As a result of these planned opportunities, we aim to make the transition from Belsay Pre-School to Reception in Belsay First School, gradual, relaxed and less daunting and frightening for the children. We plan to make each opportunity as positive as possible, making steps towards a successful transition for each child. We support the children every step of the way and ensure there is lots of sensitive communication with the children, parents and also between the settings.

Signed Belsay First School Head-Teacher and Reception Teacher

………………………………......................................Mrs Lillian Harris

Signed Belsay Pre-School Leader;

………………………………........................................Miss Lisa Rogerson

Safeguarding children policy
Statement of intent
Our setting will work with children, parents, carers and the community to ensure the safety of children and to give them the very best start in life.
Belsay Pre-School is a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. The key commitments of the Pre-school Learning Alliance policy for safeguarding children are;
1.     The Alliance is committed to building a 'culture of safety' in which children are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of its service delivery.
2.     The Alliance is committed to responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns of abuse that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in 'What to do if you are worried a child is being abused' (DfES 2006).
3.     The Alliance is committed to promoting awareness of child abuse issues throughout its training and learning programmes for adults. It is also committed to empowering young children, through its early childhood curriculum, promoting their right to be strong, resilient and listened to.
Our aims are to carry out this policy in each of our sessions by:
·         promoting children's right to be strong, resilient and listened to by creating an environment in our setting that encourages children to develop a positive self image, which includes their heritage arising from their colour and ethnicity, their languages spoken at home, their religious beliefs, cultural traditions and home background;
·         promoting children's right to be strong, resilient and listened to by encouraging children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence;
·         promoting children's right to be strong, resilient and listened to by enabling children to have the self confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches;
·         helping children to establish and sustain satisfying relationships within their families, with peers, and with other adults; and
·         working with parents to build their understanding of and commitment to the principles of safeguarding all our children.
The legal framework for this work is:
Primary legislation
The Children Act 1989 - s 47
The Protection of Children Act 1999
Data Protection Act 1998
The Children Act 2004 (Every Child Matters)
The Children (NI) Order
The Children (Scotland) Order
Northumberland Guidance on Safeguarding Children for Early Years and Childcare Providers (2008 - 2009)
What to Do if You are Worried a Child is Being Abused (2006) DfES
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006) DfES
Every Child Matters Change for Children (2004) DfES
Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
National Standrads for Under 8's Sessional Day Care and Out of School Clubs (2003) DfES
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2007) DfES
Secondary Legislation
Sexual Offences Act (2003)
Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000)
Human Rights Act (1999)
Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000)
Race Relations (Amendment )Act (1976) Regulations
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Liaison with other bodies
·         We work in line with the Northumberland Child Protection Guidance.
·         We have a copy of 'What to do if you a worried a child is being abused' for parents, carers and staff and all staff are familiar with what to do if they have concerns.
·         We have procedures for contacting the local authority on child protection issues, including maintaining a list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of social workers, to ensure that it is easy, in any emergency, for the setting and social services to work well together.
·         We notify the registration authority (Ofsted) of any incident or accident and any changes in our arrangements which may affect the wellbeing of children.
·         Details of the local National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) contacts are also kept.
·         If a referral is to be made to the local authority social services department, we act in line with the Northumberland Child Protection Guidance in deciding whether we must inform the child's parents at the same time.
Key Commitment 1
The Alliance is committed to building a 'culture of safety' in which children are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of its service delivery.
Staffing and volunteering
·         Our designated person who co-ordinates child protection issues is Lisa Rogerson, Manager.
·         Our designated officer(s) who oversees this work are the committee members.
·         We provide adequate and appropriate staffing resources to meet the needs of children.
·         All staff members attend child protection training regularly to keep up to date with any changes.
·         Applicants for posts within the setting are clearly informed that the positions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
·         Candidates are informed of the need to carry out 'enhanced disclosure' checks with the Criminal Records Bureau before posts can be confirmed.
·         Where applications are rejected because of information that has been disclosed, applicants have the right to know and to challenge incorrect information.
·         We abide by Ofsted requirements in respect of references and Criminal Record Bureau checks for staff and volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person or unsuitable person works at the setting or has access to the children.
·         Volunteers do not work unsupervised.
·         We abide by the Protection of Children Act requirements in respect of any person who is dismissed from our employment, or resigns in circumstances that would otherwise have lead to dismissal for reasons of child protection concern.
·         We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to the setting. 
·         We take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes into the setting so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children.
Key Commitment 2 
The Alliance is committed to responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns of abuse that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in 'What to do if you are worried a child is being abused' (DfES 2006).
Responding to suspicions of abuse
·         We acknowledge that abuse of children can take different forms - physical, emotional, and sexual as well as neglect.
·         When children are suffering from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or may be experiencing neglect, this may be demonstrated through the things they say (direct or indirect disclosure) or through changes in their appearance, their behaviour, or their play.
·         Where such evidence is apparent, staff make a dated record of the details of the concern and discusses what to do with the setting leader or manager who is acting as the 'designated person'. The information is stored in the Child Protection Record.
·         Staff in the setting take care not to influence the outcome either through the way they speak to children or by asking questions of children.
Allegations against staff
·         All staff are advised to minimise time spent alone with children and be aware of the potential risks in doing so.
·         We ensure that all parents and/or carers know how to complain about staff or volunteer action within the setting, which may include an allegation of abuse. 
·         We follow the guidance of the Northumberland Child Protection Guidance when responding to any complaint that a member of staff or volunteer has abused a child. 
·         We respond to any disclosure by children or staff that abuse by a member of staff may have taken, or is taking place, by first recording the details of any such alleged incident.
·         We refer any such complaint immediately to the local authority's social service department to investigate.
·         We co-operate entirely with any investigation carried out by social services in conjunction with the police.
·         Our policy is to suspend the member of staff for the duration of the investigation; this is not an indication of admission that the alleged incident has taken place, but is to protect the staff as well as children and families throughout the process.
Disciplinary action
·         Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from the setting or internally disciplined because of misconduct relating to a child, we notify the Department of Health administrators so that the name may be included on the List for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Key Commitment 3
The Alliance is committed to promoting awareness of child abuse issues throughout its training and learning programmes for adults. It is also committed to empowering young children, through its early childhood curriculum, promoting their right to be strong, resilient and listened to.
·         We seek out training opportunities for all adults involved in the setting to ensure that they are able to recognise the signs and symptoms of possible physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect and so that they are aware of the local authority guidelines for making referrals.
·         We ensure that all staff know the procedures for reporting and recording their concerns in the setting.
·         Staff attend training every 2 years .
·         The layout of the room allows for constant supervision. No child is left alone with staff or volunteers in a one to one situation without being visible to others.
·         We introduce key elements of child protection into our programme to promote the personal, social and emotional development of all children, so that they may grow to be 'strong, resilient and listened to' and so that they develop understanding of why and how to keep safe.
·         We create within the setting a culture of value and respect for the individual, having positive regard for children's heritage arising from their colour, ethnicity, languages spoken at home, cultural and social background.
·         We ensure that this is carried out in a way that is developmentally appropriate for the children.
Where a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff:
·         offers reassurance to the child;
·         listens to the child; and
·         gives reassurance that she or he will take action.
The member of staff does not question the child
Recording suspicions of abuse and disclosures
Staff make a record of:
·         the child's name;
·         the child's address;
·         the age of the child;
·         the date and time of the observation or the disclosure;
·         an objective record of the observation or disclosure;
·         the exact words spoken by the child as far as possible;
·         the name of the person to whom the concern was reported, with date and time; and
·         the names of any other person present at the time.
These records are signed and dated and kept in the Child Protection Record which is locked away, safely, in the filing cabinet. Further to this a personal file can be created for the child, if it is required.
All members of staff know the procedures for recording and reporting. 
Informing parents/carers
·         Parents/carers are normally the first point of contact.
·         If a suspicion of abuse is recorded, parents/carers are informed at the same time as the report is made, except where the guidance of the Northumberland Child Protection Guidelines does not allow this.
·         This will usually be the case where the parent/carer is the likely abuser. In these cases the investigating officers will inform parents.
All suspicions and investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know.  Any information is shared under the guidance of the Northumberland Child Protection Guidelines.
If there are any suspicions of abuse to a child within our childcare setting the Manager would also inform the Chairperson of the Committee.
Support to families
·         The setting believes in building trusting and supportive relationships with families, staff and volunteers in the group.
·         The setting makes clear to parents/carers its role and responsibilities in relation to Child Protection, such as for the reporting of concerns, providing information, monitoring of the child, and liaising at all times with the local social services department.
·         The setting continues to welcome the child and the family whilst investigations are being made in relation to any alleged abuse.
·         We follow the Child Protection Plan as set by the social services department in relation to the setting's designated role and tasks in supporting the child and the family, subsequent to any investigation.
·         Confidential records kept on a child are shared with the child's parents or those who have parental responsibility for the child in accordance with the procedure and only if appropriate under the guidance of the Northumberland Child Protection Guidelines
·          This policy was adopted following a merger of Belsay Pre-School (Jan 2008) and Out-of-School club (June 2005) policies.
·          Dated : February 2012           review date : February 2013
·          Signed on behalf of the management Committee;
·          Role of signatory;