
Belsay Daycare
Belsay Pre-School
01661 881 704
February 2012 Newsletter
Please Read.
Hope everyone has had a nice half term. Welcome back.   
Parent Meetings
We have now completed all of the children’s assessments. Sorry for the delay however I am sure you will appreciate they are very time consuming. If you would like to have a meeting with your child’s key worker to discuss their progress and to have the opportunity to discuss anything else please arrange this with your key worker. You can do this either by telephone or at the end of the session. 
Enchanted Forest
Thank you to Pippa Ruxton we have had had the opportunity to take part in a ’What we do day’. This allows us to give out information about our setting through displaying pictures and brochures on their notice board. Therefore we would like to invite all parents and children to join us from 10am on Fri 24th February 2012 at the Enchanted Forest Ponteland. If your child normally attends Pre- School on a Fri morning please let us know if you would be happy to join us there with your child. There will be an entry fee to pay of a maximum £4 per child.       
Afternoon Sessions
Just a reminder to say we are open every afternoon Monday - Thursday and if you wish for your child to attend any further sessions could you please see myself or Carol. Unfortunately due to lack of demand we are not open on a Friday afternoon as of yet. However if there was sufficient demand in the future we would re-address the situation with the committee to see if it is viable.  
New Rendezvous
A huge thank you to everyone who came or supported the Chinese night. We raised a grand total of £690. The money raised will be going towards a new building.
This term we will be looking at festivals including Shrove Tuesday. We will be exploring musical instruments. Discovering connections. Observing cause and effect. If there are any of these subjects you would like to contribute to in anyway we would be more than happy to respond to.   

There is a questionnaire attached to gather parents views and opinions about the service we offer. We would appreciate you completing the questionnaire and returning it to us at Pre-School .

You may be pleased to know Belsay Daycare Ltd now has its own website up and running . Parents will be able to view newsletters, policies and procedures, OFSTED inspection report and much more. The website is once viewed we would be happy to hear your feedback to see what you think.

Green Bags  
Could you please check your child’s green bag to see if they need refilled with spare clothes.

Library Books
Each child chooses one library book per week to take home and read with their parents/carers. Once returned the following week they then choose a different one or the same book again if they wish. Please could you therefore return any library books you may have at home.   
If you have any questions or queries  please do not hesitate to come and speak to me or any member of staff.

Lisa Rogerson
Belsay Day Care Manager